Do Less You Will Accomplish More
Acupuncture has amazing ability to reduce stress. A common challenge in the American culture is to push and push to our limits physically, emotionally and mentally until we have completely exhausted our parasympathetic nervous system (which is the body's natural nervous system) and our body switches to our Sympathetic nervous system (which is the fight and flight mode). When we push so much we can get into a condition of Adrenal Fatigue. When our bodies are stressed in this way we are less able to fight off infections and tend to get bronchitis, flu, and pneumonia. So before school gets back in session, and you and your children are exposed to the normal germs load there, take time to slow down and get some rest. If you feel like you need a little more help than a nap, and an evening home call and get an acupuncture appointment. Acupuncture changes the body from functioning on the sympathetic nervous system and reestablished the balance of the bodies normal parasympathetic nervous system. Believe me your body with thank you for the little extra care you have given. Another side benefit to acupuncture is it also increases metabolism and allows you to just feel good again.
Give us a call
Office Days and hours are as follows:
Logan Office is open Mondays and Fridays from 9am-5pm.
Contact us at 435-535-3006
Address: Logan River Professional Plaza
95 Golf Course Rd #104
Logan, Utah 84321
Midvale Office is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am-7pm.
Contact us at 801-233-8830
Address: 8282 State St #12,
Midvale, Utah 84047